W1U 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

W1U 8 is a postcode sector in Westminster, UK. Below is a complete list of W1U 8 Postcodes (Active). W1U 8 postcode sector comprises of 70 active postcodes. W1U 8 sector has a population of 550, and it has 281 properties in the region.

Browse Information On W1U 8 postcode sector

W1U 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 550
Addresses / Property Count 281
Active Postcodes 70
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of W1U 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 70 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
W1U 8AA 51.51814100 -0.15648600 3 5 528008 181524
W1U 8AB 51.51787900 -0.15643900 N/A N/A 528012 181495
W1U 8AD 51.51781300 -0.15681600 5 12 527986 181487
W1U 8AE 51.51774700 -0.15719300 2 4 527960 181479
W1U 8AF 51.51747400 -0.15739600 6 18 527947 181448
W1U 8AG 51.51801900 -0.15728300 13 27 527953 181509
W1U 8AN 51.51866600 -0.15673800 N/A N/A 527989 181582
W1U 8AP 51.51901100 -0.15807900 N/A N/A 527895 181618
W1U 8AQ 51.51705100 -0.15693300 18 25 527980 181402
W1U 8AR 51.51902800 -0.15802100 2 2 527899 181620
W1U 8AS 51.51904500 -0.15793400 N/A N/A 527905 181622
W1U 8AT 51.51905400 -0.15782200 5 11 527913 181623
W1U 8AU 51.51718900 -0.15600500 N/A N/A 528044 181419
W1U 8BA 51.51766600 -0.15830700 22 36 527883 181468
W1U 8BB 51.51836300 -0.15861000 1 4 527860 181545
W1U 8BD 51.51860800 -0.15873000 6 9 527851 181572
W1U 8BE 51.51737100 -0.15841900 1 1 527876 181435
W1U 8BF 51.51805900 -0.15872300 17 25 527853 181511
W1U 8BH 51.51868300 -0.15776100 10 26 527918 181582
W1U 8BJ 51.51828400 -0.15754700 N/A N/A 527934 181538
W1U 8BL 51.51865700 -0.15672400 23 85 527990 181581
W1U 8EA 51.51824200 -0.15779300 N/A N/A 527917 181533
W1U 8ED 51.51645800 -0.15527100 N/A N/A 528097 181339
W1U 8EE 51.51681000 -0.15535800 N/A N/A 528090 181378
W1U 8EH 51.51780700 -0.15582200 N/A N/A 528055 181488
W1U 8EJ 51.51777300 -0.15593900 N/A N/A 528047 181484
W1U 8EN 51.51795200 -0.15590200 N/A N/A 528049 181504
W1U 8EQ 51.51768900 -0.15576900 N/A N/A 528059 181475
W1U 8EW 51.51890300 -0.15636800 N/A N/A 528014 181609
W1U 8EZ 51.51650400 -0.15704200 N/A N/A 527974 181341
W1U 8FF 51.51747200 -0.15742100 N/A N/A 527945 181448
W1U 8FL 51.51747200 -0.15742100 N/A N/A 527945 181448
W1U 8HA 51.51683200 -0.15720500 N/A N/A 527962 181377
W1U 8HF 51.51792500 -0.15764800 2 2 527928 181498
W1U 8HG 51.51807000 -0.15768500 22 33 527925 181514
W1U 8HJ 51.51850500 -0.15791200 8 13 527908 181562
W1U 8HN 51.51864100 -0.15797900 N/A N/A 527903 181577
W1U 8HP 51.51899500 -0.15816700 4 5 527889 181616
W1U 8HQ 51.51824200 -0.15779300 1 1 527917 181533
W1U 8HR 51.51714700 -0.15792400 N/A N/A 527911 181411
W1U 8HS 51.51722100 -0.15803600 0 2 527903 181419
W1U 8HT 51.51731800 -0.15793100 17 30 527910 181430
W1U 8HU 51.51738200 -0.15798700 N/A N/A 527906 181437
W1U 8HW 51.51878600 -0.15804500 15 35 527898 181593
W1U 8HX 51.51745400 -0.15799800 N/A N/A 527905 181445
W1U 8HY 51.51758100 -0.15803600 5 7 527902 181459
W1U 8HZ 51.51764400 -0.15806200 20 30 527900 181466
W1U 8JA 51.51769900 -0.15811800 1 2 527896 181472
W1U 8JB 51.51775500 -0.15813400 3 9 527895 181478
W1U 8JD 51.51788900 -0.15821100 5 9 527889 181493
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